Personnel Updates

2021 Additions and Changes

Missouri Prosper has kept the community up-to-date through our social media by announcing new members to our boards. As we continue to grow we recognized that our website needed to show the same updates. This post serves to give an update of 2021 personnel changes/additions. One of our board members traveled to India in the month of December as part of his cultural celebration. Welcome back Sudhir Rathod! Jessica Laurent Clark, resigned October 2021, to pursue other endeavors. She was replaced by Kenneth Rosa. Peter Kinder, Dr. Mary Byrne, Van Harvey, and Johnnie Calloway have joined our Board of Advisors, effective November and December 2021, respectively. Moving forward, we plan to post on our website monthly, any changes or updates. Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we keep up with the growth we are experiencing!